Margaret T. Reilly Elementary School

Reilly Talent Show!

The Talent Show is Coming!!

Calling all Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Rappers, Actors, Magicians, Comedians Etc to audition for our annual Reilly Talent Show on March 6th.

Auditions are Thursday February 13th from 3:15-4:15 pm.

Practices will be February 21st, 28th and March 6th.

Permission slips went home early this week and must be signed for your student to participate. If your students missed auditions you are welcome to come to next week. Hope to see you there!

Reilly tiene Talento!

Invitamos a los músicos, cantantes, bailarines, raperos, actores, magos y comediantes a audicionar para el Show de Talento en Reilly.

Llena el formulario y trailo al audición.

Si no puede atender la audición entregalo a la oficina antes del 18 de Febrero y ven al primer ensayo el 21 de Febrero