About Us


At Reilly Elementary, our mission is to break barriers and dismantle inequities by providing equitable access and support to a high-quality education for each child. We are committed to fostering strong relationships, promoting dual language proficiency, and creating a safe, joyful learning environment. We honor the racial, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds of our students and families, and we strive to cultivate an inclusive community that celebrates and leverages these talents for the greater good. By viewing our students through an asset-based lens and implementing culturally responsive teaching practices, we aim to equip every student with the academic tools they need to have options in life and achieve economic mobility. Our goal is to ensure that every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.



Reilly Elementary envisions a future where every child thrives in a nurturing, inclusive, and culturally responsive environment. We aspire to be a beacon of equity in education, where dual language programs are integral to our approach, and strong relationships are the foundation of our community. By fostering a joyful and safe atmosphere, we ensure that students are excited to learn and grow.

We are dedicated to equipping our students with the academic tools necessary for life options and economic mobility. By consistently reflecting and taking action to dismantle inequities, nurture emotional intelligence, and cultivate empathy, we prepare them for success in a diverse and interconnected world. Through collaboration with families and the community, we strive to provide a comprehensive education that opens doors to endless opportunities and economic independence.



 Equity, Access, and Support:

Every child deserves equitable access and support to high-quality education. We are dedicated to dismantling barriers and providing the necessary support for each child to succeed.


We honor and celebrate the diverse racial, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds of our students and families. Our inclusive community values and leverages these gifts to enrich the learning experience for everyone.

Academic Excellence:

We are committed to fostering a love of learning and academic excellence. Our goal is to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to have options in life and achieve economic mobility.

Social and Emotional Development:

We believe in nurturing the whole child, including their social and emotional development. We aim to cultivate emotional intelligence, empathy, and resilience in our students.

Safe and Joyful Learning Environment:

We strive to create a safe, joyful, and dynamic atmosphere where each person is excited to learn and grow. We believe that a positive learning environment is essential for student success.

Community and Collaboration:

We value strong partnerships with families and the community. Collaboration and open communication are key to supporting our students' academic and personal development.

Empowerment and Advocacy:

We empower students to be informed, compassionate citizens and advocate for policies that promote equity, justice, and well-being for all.