Arrival & Dismissal

Morning Arrival

Morning Arrival

Afternoon Dismissal


Safety Guidelines

Guidelines for Walkers

  • Always follow a planned, direct route to your destination.
  • Walk on sidewalks.
  • Cross streets at corners only, after making sure conditions are safe.
  • Do not talk to strangers or accept rides from strangers.
  • All students (even those accompanied by adults) must cross streets near the school only with the safety patrol or crossing guard. Wait until the crossing guard has stopped traffic and calls you before you begin crossing.

Guidelines for Bike Riders

  • All bike riders must wear helmets.
  • Always follow a planned, direct route to your destination.
  • Obey all traffic signs as well as the directions of crossing guards.
  • Use both hands to steer. Put all your things in a backpack so your hands are free.
  • Always make eye contact with drivers when crossing traffic.
  • Bikes must be walked while on campus.
  • Bikes must be parked and locked each day in the school bike racks.
  • Perform regular safety checks on your bike.

Guidelines for Drivers

  • Refrain from using cell phones in school zones.
  • Stay in your vehicle at all times. No unattended vehicles left at any time.
  • Please wait for a Reilly staff member to signal you prior to releasing your children from the car. If you arrive after 7:40 for morning drop-off, please park and walk your student to the main entrance. If you arrive for pick-up after 3:25pm, please park and walk to the main entrance to pick up your child. 
  • Refrain from parking in the Fire Lane at any time.
  • Please follow traffic guidelines
  • For new families, we have a bike lane near the drop-off entrance and exit. Please look both ways before entering and exiting the drop-off area.


Bus Transportation

 Students who live within the attendance zone, more than two miles away from the school are eligible for bus service. Student guests are permitted to ride home with eligible bus riders as long as they have a permission slip signed by the principal. Eligibility, bus stops and routes can be found at AISD's Transportation page or by calling 512-414-6500.

Rules for Riding the Bus

 Students riding the bus must abide by the following rules:

  • Stay in your seat
  • Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus
  • Do not throw objects inside the bus or out the window
  • Do not eat or drink on the bus
  • Keep the bus clean
  • Do not use tobacco products of any kind
  • Do not engage in destructive
  • Be courteous
  • Cooperate with the bus driver
  • All students are expected to follow the AISD Student Success Guide while riding the bus

Please note that the bus driver is authorized to assign seats. The bus driver waits and watches to see that all students dropped off in the morning are inside the building before leaving.

Consequences of Rule Violations

 If a student violates one or more rules for riding the bus, the bus driver will report the violation(s) to the school staff. The student will then have a conference with the school staff and the student’s caregivers will be notified. For a second offense, the student may be suspended from the bus, the student’s parents will be notified, and the school staff will issue a written warning of the consequences of future violations. For a third offense, the student will be suspended from the bus for up to three days. For a fourth offense, the student will be suspended from the bus until an agreement is reached between the student, caregiver, principal, and bus driver. A major rule violation may result in a student’s being suspended from the bus on the first offense.